董志强等:The effects of local government leadership turnover on entreprene
The behavior of entrepreneurs is significantly affected by the rules of the game and the behaviors of...

董志强、郭宇辰、赵俊:How people respond to risk after being exposed
董志强、郭宇辰、赵俊(通讯)等研究论文于2022年2月7日被Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics杂志接受发表。
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- ◪ 张汉其、赵俊等研究论文被Neuroscience接受发表
- ◪ 张汉其、吴诗婧等研究论文被Brain and Cognition接受发表
- ◪ 张汉其等研究论文被Brain imaging and behavior接受发表
- ◪ 张汉其等:Distinguishing the Roles of the Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex and
- ◪ 董志强等:The effects of local government leadership turnover on entreprene
- ◪ 董志强、郭宇辰、赵俊:How people respond to risk after being exposed
- ◪ 吴诗婧等研究论文被BRAIN AND COGNITION接受发表
- ◪ 熊冠星等研究论文被Behavioural Brain Research杂志接受发表
- ◪ 董志强等:Surplus men and scarce women: The impact of mating competition on
- ◪ 李熙等:Causal Role of the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Organizat
- ◪ 董志强等:输在起跑线!
- ◪ Zhao, Dong & Yu: Don't remind me: When explicit and implicit moral reminders
- ◪ 蒲勇健教授莅临指导讲学
- ◪ Dong&Luo: Optimal Noise Manipulation in Asymmetric Tournament
- ◪ 董志强、赵俊:“留守”与儿童竞争偏好
- ◪ 熊冠星等论文被《Frontiers in Human Neuroscience》接受发表
- ◪ 董志强等人的研究成果在《经济研究》发表
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